Holly Addi (°1973, SLC, Utah, United States) makes paintings and mixed media artworks. By rejecting an objective truth and global cultural narratives, Addi creates with daily, recognizable elements, an unprecedented situation in which the viewer is confronted with the conditioning of his own perception and has to reconsider his biased position.

Her paintings are often about contact with architecture and basic living elements. Energy (heat, light, water), space and landscape are examined in less obvious ways and sometimes developed in absurd ways. In a search for new methods to ‘read the city’, she focuses on the idea of ‘public space’ and more specifically on spaces where anyone can do anything at any given moment: the non-private space, the non-privately owned space, space that is economically uninteresting.
The art of abstraction and philosophy of beauty in imperfection.

Her work urges us to renegotiate her philosophy on imperfection in our contemporary society. By applying abstraction, she creates beautiful intense personal moments masterfully created by means of rules and omissions, acceptance and refusal, luring the viewer round and round in circles until they see light.
Her work doesn’t reference recognizable form. The results are deconstructed to the extent that meaning is shifted and possible interpretation becomes multifaceted. Holly Addi currently lives and works in Salt Lake City, Utah.